How we implemented chat GPT in our workflow

It’s literally the Pokémon Go of 2023: everyone talks about it all the time. Do we even have to mention its name again? Oh yes, of course, for SEO-purposes. Chat GPT offers endless possibilities (if not shut down due to overuse) and makes people fear for their jobs. And despite everything, everyone is using it right now. The Startup Communication team is involved in every semi-plausible hype anyway, which is why ChatGPT usage in our office has also been quite high in the recent months. How do we use the AI application for marketing and PR? Find it out:

The “plain” stuff

It’s literally the Pokémon Go of 2023: everyone talks about it all the time. Do we even have to mention its name again? Oh yes, of course, for SEO-purposes. Chat GPT offers endless possibilities (if not shut down due to overuse) and makes people fear for their jobs. And despite everything, everyone is using it right now. The Startup Communication team is involved in every semi-plausible hype anyway, which is why ChatGPT usage in our office has also been quite high in the recent months. How do we use the AI application for marketing and PR? Find it out:

Do you even research bro?

Alright, alright. By now, everyone should’ve realized that ChatGPT should not be trusted completely. So why do we use it for research? Well, all beginnings are hard. Same with the research. In the end, we search for valid information in our own research, but ChatGPT gives us the food for thought. Especially with more complex texts like guest articles where we combine expertise from customers with research and our own knowledge of the topic, there is often a lack of inspiration. Just a little wave of the fence post that ultimately makes us write one more page and BAM the chatbot helps us.

Brief overview

Summing up and collecting information for whether a presentation, a chat or just for personal overview usually takes way more time than you expect. Well, none of us has a personal assistant. But since the chatbot entered our daily life, we use it as one. Top tier tip: if you feed the AI with valid info, it will likely give you just valid info. “Shorten this big text”, “sum everything up in 4 bullet point”, “create a brief powerpoint out of this info” – important commands for a harmonious working relationship with the chatbot.


Get your creativity flowing

Seriously? More creativity while using an AI-tool? Yes! While some headlines label ChatGPT as the "end of creativity", we see plenty of creative opportunities in it. Imagine sitting in your home office in need of content ideas and no one actually has time to brainstorm. Start a brainstorming dialog with you buddy ChatGPT! On the basis of its ideas, you in turn come up with further ideas…with which you can feed the AI again – a nearly infinite cycle of creativity! Furthermore, you’ve might already recognized that it uses some wording you probably wouldn’t use for your texts. Okay, okay – most of the time we adapt the wordings to our liking, but sometimes they open up a new horizon for you and let's be honest, one or the other vocabulary that is gathering dust in the dictionaries would be cool enough to experience a reincarnation in 2023.